Randolph County Farm Bureau
Our Mission: Promoting agriculture with a unified voice through education, information, and legislation.

Become A Member
Take advantage of our great benefits! When you become a member of the Randolph County Farm Bureau you are automatically a member of the Illinois Farm Bureau.
Already A Member?
Manage your membership account online. Login to myIFB to pay your Renewal, view payment history, print membership cards, manage your personal information and more.
Our Foundation funds Agriculture In the Classroom, a program to bring agriculture lessons to grade school students across Randolph County. We also provide scholarships to local high school and college students who are studying agriculture related fields.
All our members receive our bimonthly paper on agriculture information around the county. Also, our farming members receive the statewide FarmWeek and associate members receive Partners magazine. Our members stay up to date on federal, state, and local issues.
Randolph County Farm Bureau is the largest agriculture organization in the county. We take pride in our close connections with local, state, and federal officials and educate them our issues. Also, we work with our Adopted Legislator on downstate issues.

Take Action.
Sign up for FB ACT to contact your legislators about current issues that Randolph County Farm Bureau and Illinois Farm Bureau take action on. With one quick text, you can have your voice heard.
Governmental Affairs.
Randolph County Farm Bureau works to advocate for the farmers and the community. We are actively involved in local county government as well as working with our state legislators. Illinois Farm Bureau is a grassroots organization, with policy development starting in the counties.
Our priorities.
The Randolph County Farm Bureau board of directors creates goals and priorities each year. See what our current goals and priorities are here.
our policy.
Every December, our members meet with other Illinois Farm Bureau members to develop our policy resolutions. Check out the 2023 policy book here. For new resolutions, contact our office or a board member.