Visit our Farms from the comfort of home.
Peach Blossom Hill.
Follow us on our first farm tour of the year as we visit Peach Blossom Hill in Evansville. Who knew such good tasting peaches were grown right here in Randolph County!
Apple Orchard.
We took a trip to Braeutigam Orchards in Belleville as they were in the middle of apple harvest. Check out how the apple goes from the tree to the consumer in this video.
Corn Harvest.
It’s harvest season so we followed our Farm Bureau President Kent Liefer in his combine. We hope you have as much fun as we did on this farm tour.
Soybean harvest.
Why does the combine have a different header for soybeans? We talked to Randolph County farmer Michael McConachie and found out why.
Pumpkin Blossom HIll.
Remember our friends at the peach orchard? Well, they also have pumpkins outside Red Bud! Find out how to grow pumpkins and maybe next year you can grow some too.
Chestnut Orchard.
We all know the Christmas songs about roasting chestnuts on an open fire, but what are chestnuts and who grows them? You can find the Bauer family in Ruma and their trees in this video.