Randolph County Farmer.
Every member of the Randolph County Farm Bureau receives our bimonthly paper. Read the most recent one here.

Gateway FS
Farmer Exchange
Items for this column need to reach our office by March 20, 2024 in order to be included in the next issue. Ads may be submitted by phone 618-443-4511, by mail @ PO Box 504, Sparta, IL 62286, or by email – information@rcfb.org. Only one free 25 word ad per membership per issue (for members’ belongings only, using phone # on record in ad). Advertisements are $5.00 for non-members. We thank each member who puts in an advertisement and/or purchases from a member.
Small Square Straw Bales, $4 ea. 618-282-4265
Brillion Transport Cultipacker, 13’8 ft, $3,500; Herd Broadcaster Model F-160 3-point hookup, $175; 2 Flatbed Wagons (flatbed 6 x14 ft width) 27” sides, both have five ton hoist, $1,200 ea.; JD 670 – 9 ft Bar Rake, $2,000; Pull-type Allis-Chambers 1630, 12 ft Chisel Plow, $1,000; IH 475- 17 ½ ft – 7 ½ Spacing Disc, $6,000; Allis-Chambers 14 ft – 10 in. spacing heavy Disc, $1,750. Percy, IL. 618-497-4029
Earth Way High Wheel cultivator model 6500, $75. 618-606-5170
Homegrown hulled-out Pecan Halves, $5.50 per Qrt-size ziplock bag (approx. 1 lb.) 618-965-3008